

Montauk St. Patrick's Day Parade Info

Sunday, March 30, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Parade Sunday March 30th 2025 12pm

Dear Friends,

It has been estimated that 40,000 spectators and supporters have attended this annual event in years past that was conceived as a way to bring an end to the dreary winters in Montauk, and welcome Spring with a joyous and festive Irish celebration. The Montauk St. Patrick's Day Parade has become a part of the fabric of the community over it's many years, and while the faces in the crowds lining the streets have changed, what has not changed are the smiles on those faces, young and old alike, and the fun all are welcome to join in at this community event.

The Montauk Friend's of Erin need your support. We are in the planning stages for the 63rd  Annual St. patrick's Day Parade. to be held on Sunday, March 30th,  2025 with  the kick off at 12:00 noon on Edgemere Rd. This event requires months of planning and fund raising to be an absolute success.

The last parade cost in excess of $80,000 and with the rising cost of bands we anticipate that this parade will be more. The revenue to sponsor this event comes from you, our loyal supporters, and all proceeds go directly to pay for cost of the parade. We raise funds by asking for your support in the form of donations. Together we can show our many friends and visitors a successful and fun filled parade.

The Montauk Friend's of Erin will be honoring this years Grand Marshal, "TBD" With your support we hope to make the 2025 St. Patrick's Day Parade the best ever!


Brian Matthews
Montauk Friends of Erin